Airbnb Coach Tips-Making Sure Guests Have a Flawless Check-in

Everyone wants check-ins to be smooth and flawless. If we could manage the airlines, baggage, and consequently the weather, this is feasible. What do we do when travel plans are changed at the drop of an eye? Here are some simple Airbnb wholesale training tricks to ensure flawless check-ins that will ensure that your guests' experience starts with a bang.

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In the last couple of years, just before Airbnb was taken public, and has since grown to be bigger than Hilton, Sheraton, Hyatt & Holiday Inn James Graham AKA "Jim G." being an Airbnb coach make money on Airbnb without owning property. After rapidly building a prosperous Airbnb Passive Income Business I have now put in my real estate investment coaching hat and teach my family and friends and many others around the globe, how to start an Airbnb and make a regular passive income.

Airbnb Tips - Communicate

Because guests typically travel for a long distance from home, the final thing you'd like to offer to a tired traveler might be a negative beginning. Make sure to communicate with them immediately after they have booked their stay. This will prevent lengthy time delays in responding to delays during travel or other issues that could happen from their doorstep to yours. Communication helps build the confidence that your host is in your best interest at heart. Here are some amazing Airbnb tips that will get you to get your trip off to a good beginning.

There are also opportunities available for those who wish to earn money from Airbnb without the need to own a home

  • You agree on the most basic form of communication, whether it's phone or email, text chat, or text, you'd prefer to be easily available to future guests.
  • Be mobile-friendly. You don't wish to lose contact after they leave home. They're the most important package that is delivered to your doorstep It's a gift that you must cherish.
  • Make sure you are aware of the details of your arrival. If they haven't yet communicated these details to you, make sure that you have reminded them.
  • You must ensure that they know what they can be expecting. It's a bit like a hotel but not an actual hotel. If people don't know what to expect, they might not be thrilled by the surprise.
  • Verify that you've followed the correct house rules.

Airbnb Tips - Key Crisis

There are reports of key exchanges that had problems in the past. Perhaps keys got lost in their mail or perhaps the email containing the key's hidden address was sent to the spam box. It happens. It's your responsibility as your host, to stay aware of these situations and think of a solution ahead of time in case you run into an issue such as this.

The majority of hosts are at ease when they deliver the keys directly to the person in front of them. If this is possible, it's the most efficient way to ensure an easy entry. It's about knowing what time the guest is expected to be in the area, hence the previous communication.

What if something prevents you from reaching your destination? A major accident on the highway or perhaps you've bought an automobile. These are Airbnb tips on getting the keys to guests after you're not there.

  • Airbnb Lockbox You can purchase this from the majority of hardware stores. It's simple to install, affordable and safe. The only thing you need to do is inform your guests to be aware of where to find the container.
  • The secret hiding place This has worked for all 12-year-olds on the globe since I can recall. Rock, doormat, flowerpot. It is likely to be simple for them, but not an easy task for an unknown person.
  • A friend as an emergency plan. If you are unable to make it in the case of a small incident, your neighbor will be nearby.
  • Door Code - You'll send a text message or an email with the door's code, and you'll be without keys, using a program such as RemoteLock.
  • A neighborhood store or restaurant/pub Do you know a person who owns the burger restaurant down the street? You could leave your keys there. There are places where you can have business centers that will also keep keys for you.

Check-in should be the least amount of the guest's worries. After a long journey, this should be the most memorable part of their entire day. Utilize these simple Airbnb tips to make sure that you are in contact and use a key exchange system and can handle any changes that occur at the eleventh hour, and the perfect check-in procedure is sure to follow.


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